Thursday, September 15, 2011

September 15th, days 6 and 7

Streak is still corn since Sunday

Truth be told, this is easier than I thought. Sure, I've basically turned myself into a vegan (which angers me tremendously. Vegans, I respect you, but you're missing a whole world of food), but it's possible, I think, to cut corn products out of one's diet entirely.

Here are a couple of pointers that have worked out for me so far:
- With the exception of most processed foods, everything we eat as Americans is available corn-free. You're just going to have to change your view on how one should eat. The meat's expensive, as are the eggs and the milk. Vegetables are not so expensive (provided you buy seasonal produce). So as Michael Pollan says, "eat food, not too much, mostly plants".
- Continuing on the last one, you need to forget the notion that it's a God given right to eat meat three times a day. It's not healthy for you, it's not healthy for society and it's certainly not healthy for the planet. Learn to eat your veggies.
- Eat lots of legumes. They're surprisingly inexpensive. It's also very hard to find any trace of corn when you're eating black beans or lentils. They're filling, too, and they taste fucking amazing.
- Fruit is candy. It's just better for you so you can eat more of it.
- Don't bother with juice or soda. Drink water when you're thirsty. Coffee and tea are pretty much water. Drink beer and wine.
- Trail mix!

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